
[Picture 5 : Present Yanghwajin Foreign Missionary Cemetery]
Among the graves found at Yanghwajin, many belong to foreign missionaries and their families who dedicated their lives to the Korean people during the dark era of Japan's occupation of Korea. Abandoning opportunities and bright prospects back home, they came to share the light of the Gospel with "Corea", which was then barely known to the rest of the world.

[Picture 6: Present Yanghwajin Foreign Missionary Cemetery]
They profoundly influenced Korean society not only by establishing social institutions such as hospitals and schools but also by affecting its beliefs and values, which, among others, contributed to the abolition of the class and gender hierarchy in old Korea. Some deeply empathized with Korean people's sufferings caused by the forceful occupation of Korea by Japan and willingly risked danger for Korea's independence. Today, the fruits of the early missionaries' invaluable seeds of the Gospel can be seen in the Korean Church and throughout wider society.

Aerial View of Yanghwajin
천주교 절두산 성지와 양화진 외국인 선교사 묘원이
서로 마주 보고 있다.
Yanghwajin Foreign Missionary Cemetery and the Jeoldusan Martyrs' Shrine, a sacred place for Catholics, are situated side by side. The Council for 100th Anniversary of the Korean Church established the 100th Anniversary Memorial Church to continue the true spirit of Yanghwajin. The Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Mapo District Office, having formally established Yanghwajin Foreign Missionary Cemetery, are now making efforts to have Yanghwajin be designated as a national historical site. The plan is to create one of the few places in the world where one can witness the meeting of the Protestant and Catholic faiths by creating a link between Yanghwajin Foreign Missionary Cemetery and the Yanghwa Ferry, Jambudong Site. As the Korean Church continues towards its 200th anniversary, the lives of foreign missionaries buried in Yanghwajin who gave their lives to plant the seeds of the Gospel in Korea serve as an important foundation and a source of inspiration for the Korean Church. Yanghwajin Foreign Missionary Cemetery is also a place where one can reflect upon the turbulent modern history of the Korean people. It is the demand of our times that we remember and maintain Yanghwajin as a sacred place of the Korean Church and as an important historical site in the history of the Korean people.